- Protection
- Primarily for Children
- Reduce teeth pain
- Increase vitality
- Vibrations of life force
- Longevity
- Increase natural radiance
- Attract lasting love
- Female fertility
- Male potency
- Uplifting current of energy
- Purify environment
- Sealing aura after removal of negative forces
- Perfect for people new to delving into their psychic sensations
Healing: Physical
- Most effective healing
- Removes toxins
- Pain and disease (alleviates)
- Stimulates immune system
- Relieves stress and anxiety
- Stimulates digestion
- Kidney, bladder, spleen, liver, gallbladder
Healing: Emotional
- Positive change
- Ward off negative thinking
- Suicide, addiction, anxiety, depression
- Set boundaries
- Courage
- Patience and flexibility
- Improves short term memory
- Transmuted dreams to reality