• Black Kyanite

    Black Kyanite assists with Clairvoyance and Manifestation of visions. Black Kyanite which does aid in lower chakras is actually able to be used with any chakra as it provides a direct healing energy. This healing energy surrounds us and heals tears and holes in both our chakras and our aura. Grounds and energizes us, allowing us to fully communicate with others with openness. It allows us to delve deep into our past lives to explore. As well as see the outcomes of our current actions so we can best adjust for the future we are trying to seek. Intuition, psychic thought, dream recall are just some of the words to describe this strong masculine energetic stone. Even though it is primarily a masculine energy it creates a perfect balance with our yin/yang.

    Primary Purposes:

    • Manifestation of vision
      • Clairvoyance
    • Healing energy
      • Can be used for any chakra
    • Heals tears & holes in chakra’s/ aura
    • Aids in communication
    • Grounds & energizes
    • Explore past lives
    • See outcomes of current actions
    • Intuition, psychic thought, dream recall
    • Balances yin/yang through masculine energy

  • Root Chakra "Muladhara"

    The Muladhara is located at the base of the spine and up through the first three vertebrae.

    Primary Characteristics of the Muladhara:

    • Feeling of Security
    • Survival instincts
    • Overlooks your basic needs
      • Food, Shelter, Sleep, etc.
    • Sense of Grounding or Foundation
    • Physicality and aspects of one self


    When Muladhara is Imbalanced:

    • Thoughts of excessive negativity, cynicism
    • Greed or Avarice
    • Reflections of Illusion
    • Eating Disorders
    • Feeling of insecurity
    • living constantly in "survival mode"


    Ways to bring your Muladhara into balance:

    1. Engage more in grounding and earth-related activities
      • For example: Grounding, Gardening, hiking, cooking healthy
    2. Surround yourself with earth colors
    3. Meditate while focusing on scent sensory
    4. Kegel exercises
    5. chanting "LAM" sound
    6. Yoga 
      • Pavanamuktasana
        • Knee to chest pose
      • Janu Sirsansana
        • Head to knee pose
      • Padmasana
        • Lotus flexion
      • Malasana
        • Squatting pose


    Stones to be carried or worn that'll help balance:

    1. Red Garnet
    2. Red Jasper
    3. Red Carnelian
    4. Bloodstone
    5. Smoky Quartz
    6. Hematite
    7. Black Onyx
    8. Obsidian
    9. Black kyanite
    10. Black Tourmaline


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